Friday, February 24, 2012

Countdown to Graduation - 68 days

Good Evening to All!
Well only 68 days until graduation. Things are moving along. It is going to be a busy and wonderful week for our family.
Got the invitations in this week for her graduation party and you know it will be here before we know it. Still got lots of planning and preparations to do. But it will all get done and be worth it all

Now for a brief update on our family: Jimmy is doing well. Working very hard as always. I am doing ok, just cannot get rid of this "crud" that is going around. Lauren is good. She got a letter letting us know that she has once again made the deans list for last semester! YEAH! Nicole is great too. She has all A's and B's now. We are very proud of both of our daughters.

It's Friday night and all is well here. Gotta fix my crew something for dinner but you know how that goes. I think my get up and go got up and left!!! lol So I am thinking, or should I say hoping, that some Mexican food is in store for dinner tonight. Never hurts to dream does it?

Until next time....have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Countdown to Graduation - 71 more days

Good Evening Everyone!
With Lauren's upcoming Graduation, we decided to start a blog to keep you up to date on all of the happenings. Hard to believe that she will be graduating from College soon! WOW! Where has the time gone?

So now begins the "Countdown to Graduation." Check back here for updates and feel free to comment. We would love to hear from you!
